Presently we are pursuing three aut-ecological topics, the mating behavior of a marine shrimp, mating systems of symbiotic crustaceans and extended parental care behavior of crustaceans.

Mating behavior of rock shrimp : Males of rock shrimp pass through different morphological stages during ontogeny, which has an important influence on their mating system. There exists a strong dominance hierarchy and the old, morphologically highly developed males, have a higher potential to monopolize matings. Our recent studies are revealing that female behavior has a strong influence on the outcome of matings. 

Mating systems of symbiotic crustaceans : Our studies on two symbiotic porcellanid crabs have revealed the importance of host characteristics on host-fidelity and -monopolization. We are currently developing conceptual models describing the influence of host-characteristics on the mating systems of symbiotic crustaceans. 

Extended parental care behavior of crustaceans : We have studied the parental care behavior of a wide diversity of crustaceans ranging from epibenthic amphipods to burrow-living semi-terrestrial crayfish. In combination with literature revisions these studies have revealed that extended parental care behavior is common in burrow-dwelling crustaceans and has important effects on offspring survival. Present studies suggest that there exists a high plasticity in the duration of extended parental care.